Saturday, 18 April 2020

Grade 7 Integers



I. Solve the following :

1. ( -343 ) x 22 + (-343) x 78 =

2. [ -10 - 3 x { 4 - (-4)} x { 3 - (5-3)}]

3.  A boy dropped a pebble in the air from a height of 15 m which fell and settled at the bottom of a pond 10m deep. By how much distance did the pebble fall ?

4. A driver was collecting water samples from a lake. He collected sample at every interval of 3m, starting at 5m below the water surface. The final sample was collected at a depth of 35m. How many samples did he collect ?

5. I was 4km east of my home. Now i am 3km west of my home. How many kilometres did I travel ?

6. A sea-diver  is 3.5m below the water level. At what depth is he now?

7. Start the integer 3 and subtract 10. From the answer subtract 1. Then multiply the answer by (-3). Now subtract 20 from the answer. what do you get ?

8. Find the value of 120 - 20 x 4

9.  Which of the integers (-10), 7, 3, (-2) is closest zero on the number line ?

10. We entered the lift on the 16th floor. We got out of the lift on the 4th floor. How many floors did we travel downwards ?


1. ( -34300)

2. (-34)

3. (+25 ) m

4. 11 samples

5. 7km

6. 3.5m

7. 4

8. 40

9. -2

10. 12 floors

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